
Interesting some of the reactions I’ve gotten from people noticing or not noticing my braces. Having ceramic braces definitely has the added advantage of people not registering that you have braces at first, and upon finding out that you do, having to get up close and personal for further inspection.

It still feels awkward when people ask me why I’m getting braces. I hate talking about being insecure of my teeth, it personal topic for me. But obviously, most people mean well and are naturally curious.

Seeing as how I work in a dental office that acts as a residency for many new dentist, a lot of them were curious and had questions. One even indicated he would be interested in seeing how my experience with braces progresses over the next few months. As am I.

On an unrelated side note: I can finally chew on my left side. I was able to eat a salisbury steak with mac and cheese for dinner. YUM.

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